ACADEMUS CR-50 Virtual Clicker
ACADEMUS CR-50 Virtual Clicker is an application for Google Android, Windows desktop and Windows Mobile turning any Android or Windows device into a virtual wireless clicker. Students download the ACADEMUS CR-50 application free of charge from Google Play or Windows Store to their devices and register at ACADEMUS CRS automatically with their own personal codes and passwords, once they have been registered by the teacher in the beginning of the school year. After doing so they are ready for the whole year, for multiple classes and even for the next year, using the same code number for registration.
CR-50 application
Intuitively understandable and easy to use even for the youngest students.
Consists of big clear buttons of different types that get activated according to the type of the question.
Doesn’t require internet, communicates via local Wi-Fi connection
No set-up needed, plug-and-play type, automatic search and connection to the server.
Sends all necessary information to the server regarding the performance of the student including presence, answer, time of completion, etc.
No need for costly remote clickers and voting devices.
The iOS application will be available soon.